Romantic Overview!

During the 18th century, romance was one of the most popular genres of medieval literature. It allowed writers to explore new, more psychological and mysterious aspects of human experience. Today, there are many misconceptions that describe sentimental writing, particularly those best-selling paperback "romances" about love. However, used as a historical term, the word romantic has 3 useful meanings:
1. Fascination with youth and innocence (exploring to trust our emotions and identity)
2. Recurring development of societies (question tradition)
3. Stronger awareness to change
(Elements of Literature 630-631)

Lyrical Ballads and Nature Poets

As characterized by William Wordsworth, Lyrical Ballads are described as lyrics that lend itself to:
1. spontaneity
2. immediacy
3. a quick burst of emotion
4. self- revelation
They often focused on rural life instead of city life because, in the country, the "passion of men are incorporated with the beautiful and permanent forms of nature."

Romantic poets are often referred to as nature poets. However, this description is misleading if it suggests that poetry is full of charming scense of mountains, streams, forests, etc. For instance, some infer romantic poems to be based on the scenic overlooks of highways or pictures on travel brochures.

(Elements of Literature 631- 633)